The war with weed(s). No. Garden weeds.


Here’s a pretty garden weed.

Did you know, the way to kill garden weeds is through hot water? They sizzle as you pour boiling hot water down using your electric kettle. But you know what’s more efficient? 2 electric kettles and a boiling pot of hot water. Who here own 2 electric kettles in the same household? This girl here. Why? The intent was that she’d have a kettle upstairs in her home office and tea station, while the other one is downstairs at the kitchen, for her tea station. That’s right. There are two tea stations. Why isn’t it communal? Her husband doesn’t drink hot tea. It’s okay. I’m not a monster though— one of the electric kettles now resides in our home-on-wheels, aka, van by the river, sprinter van. It’s only lending its efforts to the war on weeds.

Okay, so why does this warrant a blog? Well, my name is April and I’m a privileged Asian American who grew up in the scariest part of the US— San Francisco, CA. In case you didn’t catch the sarcasm, I would say it’s pretty privileged. So privileged, I realized I could have gotten a whole lot more house with my $1.7M dollar house, with a newly renovated backyard with fake turf for an additional $45k. There’s a caveat. Weeds.

Imagine this: circling around the kitchen seeing which pot boils to 100 degrees first. The pot of water slowly rises in temperature, while two kettles race against time to boil either 4 cups of water or 7 cups of water. You see, my life is exhilarating. It whistles. and you hear a pop. You turn around and you grab the winning kettle to run it outside, just to pour that liquid over the resilient big-leafed plant, that decided against all odds, to sprout out of some lava rock that was artificially placed on top of it all. Then you race back in, and do it all over again a few times. The music is playing in the background, on a record player.

“Again last night I had that strange dream
where everything was exactly how it seemed
concerns about the world getting warmer
people thought that they were just being rewarded
for treating others as they’d like to be treated
for obeying stop signs and curing diseases
for mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in November.”
- Postal Service, Sleeping In

Well now. Isn’t that just poetic? Oh, and the pot of water? I killed all the weeds before it even boiled. Since I was testing it with salt, I’m not sure what to do with this pot of salty hot water now. I think I’ll make some pasta with it.

Oh, if you click on the links, they’ll go to amazon towards the real products used. I do get a bit of a kickback from Amazon affiliate’s program, if you choose to purchase that under the URL.



The one with first world problems
The one with first world problems

Written by The one with first world problems


Just a blog about first-world problems from the perspective of someone who lives in the bay area.

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