Simply White

In my previous post, I briefly mentioned I paid $1.7M on a house in the bay area. In case you didn’t know, the same house would probably cost on average around $200k anywhere else in the nation, hell— it might even be on the clearance rack for $100k in other parts of the world. But here we are. In the realization that this over-priced postage stamp of land is what I’ve got. Location, location, location.

I have a zoo in this house. Not a literal one, but one with 4 cats and 2 dogs. And they make my walls so darn dirty, with their dirty paws, and their dirty fur, and their dirty little faces that you just want to make kissy faces to all the time. Secretly, I’m cursing the team at Studio McGee for sharing their favorite color is “simply white, by Benjamin Moore”. They should have renamed it “Simply a pipe-dream, and you’re going to broadcast to the world how dirty your walls look.” Then again, Simply White— matte, was better than the original Kill-Your-Self-Lilac that came pro-bono in this home.

My walls are nonstop dirty. So what did I do this Sunday? I went around the house like a mad man, and started scrubbing my walls, thinking to myself, “why the hell did I not go and buy the house of my dreams in any other city?”.

Of course, my second thought was, “I should outsource this job to someone else.” But I realized to myself, they’re probably also thinking, why the fuck did I paint the house white if I knew there’ll be a zoo living inside this home. So, I continued scrubbing. Simply white, I’m simply over you.

Oh, if you click on the links, they’ll go to amazon towards the real products used. I do get a bit of a kickback from Amazon affiliate’s program if you choose to purchase that under the URL.



The one with first world problems

Just a blog about first-world problems from the perspective of someone who lives in the bay area.